Me and My Muse

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Excerpt from a book Chapter 2

Excerpt from a book called "How to loose and win on the same day"

Chapter 2 - "Fam'bility"

It was one of those moments for me when suddenly everyone found out that I was also in the class. Even our Head of the Department, Prof Ali, came to know of my name. A moment, very difficult for me to handle, as I was never before in a situation when the entire class turn to the second last bench, which otherwise remained inconspicuous, just like the last bench.

It was always the three of us, Jim, Shubho and me occupying these precious wooden planks which we treated as our thrones. The three of us were very similar in terms of underperformance so we remained un-mixed, with the remainder of the cream material.

My name got printed with some good to decent scorers. This made the letters of my name think, for the first time, that they were worth too.

Men always find it difficult to showcase two things in the society – their undergarments and their emotions. I sat like a muddy pig, when the usual me would have at least broken a desk in joy.


[Some parts from Chapter 2 as well]



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