Me and My Muse

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Blood Red Dream

No light to see, no faith to be,

For a dead shine in an open country.
Come those days, wish ending the delays,
Its not a prayer, but a wish after a hard earned punishment.

Thorny stinks, from good old-old days,
Brings back the louder mornings, tearing not blaming.
When hopes goes too far than near,

Desires killed by pulses, beats by time..
And when time came in the end,
There were bruises all over and behind.

The blows are gone, the war is done.
Blood red twilight on the sand of time.
Only the best of the shell chime.Why was the dream so different, so nice?
The closest to its becoming a fact.
But slightly far, so it was a nightmare.
Life is not a fairy tale.




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