Me and My Muse

Saturday, April 04, 2009

Lonely Eyes

Forget pearls
I'm not an oyster
but an empty peanut shell
carnival girls threw on the ground

and remember it well

When was it last that you laughed?
and was I there when you did?
Did I sell you the soul
portrayed in my role
or the life my persona hid?

I try to be me
but sometimes my Me is really a You
and the bubble gum pop you see in my eyes
is a reflection of lights from the rides
I ride
in an attempt to be loved

but how can you love a window
who masquerades as a mirror
when the carnival hits its crescendo
and tonights expectations are clear?

When the lights go out on Center Stage
you'll see complexity
waxed simple with Age
and wonder
what wonders you missed
behind the eyes
the Lonely eyes of child




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