Me and My Muse

Thursday, November 23, 2006

CMM Level 5 and Beyond - from a different perspective

A recent trend of rising number of CMM level5 companies has seen a chaotic scenario where most middle to small sized companies are throttling their powers to bag as many certifications (viz. BS7799, ISO etc) as possible.

At the lowest level the case lies with most of them not having capabilities for becoming such kingly superlatives. And as they leave no stones unturned in making their tries worth; the consequences are faced by the people who live and work there. One such "sweeping the floor" attitude is squeeze the last penny out of its business.

I have seen some companies descending to measures as under:

a) Facilities like air-conditioning and lifts of their offices work in office times ONLY and not a minute extra.
b) Making internet connectivity usable highly uncertain. More than half the time the services are unavailable.
c) Extraction of salaries in the form of "sewa" and other seemingly nice words which does not support the purpose projected by the words.
d) Transport (office bus) cost hiked without any increase in the travel allowance from the company.

These being not only the ones with more down the list, it is high time that the so-called "employee satisfaction management" starts making decisions a bit more standardized. Certifications or acquiring n number of companies may not be always helpful at the cost of high attrition rates at these organizations.



Blogger Unknown said...

now u know why i left the damned place ;-)

Wednesday, December 27, 2006 3:08:00 PM  

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